Texas Extra Ordinem: On Saturday, July 26 about 150 people assembled at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas to participate in the ordination extra ordinem of Pr. Lura Groen. Pr. Groen is rostered with Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries and was called by Grace on April 27 to serve as pastor.

Pr. Arnold Tiemeyer presided at the rite of ordination. The Rev. Dr. Stephen Ray of Garrett Theological Seminary preached. Participating in the ordination were clergy from the ELCA, the ELCIC, the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, and the Roman Catholic Church. (Our reporters were unable identify all the denominations represented. We apologize for this incompleteness.)
One of our reporters sighted The Rev. Dr. Robert G. Moore of nearby Christ the King Lutheran in the congregation. Pr. Moore did not vest and did not sit with the vested clergy, and no one could say whether he did or did not participate in the laying on of hands which was done in one movement with the whole congregation, both lay and clergy together.
The readings chosen for the occasion included Matthew 10:5-13 (the commissioning of the twelve) and Numbers 27:1-11 (the daughters of Zelophedad petition for and are awarded the inheritance of their sonless father).
The ordination was covered by several local news organizations. Video of the ordination and Pr. Groen's first Sunday as worship leader was posted by KHCW Channel 39.

Graceful Gala: Following Pr. Groen's ordination, Grace Lutheran (Houston) hosted a celebratory gala at Houston's Briar Club. Approximately 100 guests attended.
Honorary Co-Chairs for the event were City of Houston Controller Annise Parker (pictured) and City Council member Sue Lovell. Ms. Parker read a proclamation from Houston mayor Bill White declaring July 26, 2008 to be Pastor Lura Groen Day in Houston. Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM) Development Director Amalia Vagts presented a check for the first installment of an ELM grant to the congregation for its ministry, and Ms. Laura Bourdo, a member of the congregation, acknowledged the many calls and letters of support the congregation has received. She read a letter of "fist pumping, praise shouting" thanksgiving from Pr. Jen Rude of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Chicago.

No Gay Bishop for Methodist Conference: The Western Jurisdictional Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) met July 16 - 19 in Portland, OR. According to the United Methodist News Service

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Pr. Sophie is all a-Twitter. Again.
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    Hot Dish Hotline: "We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." What have you seen or heard that other people really need to know about? Use the Hot Dish Hotline to submit your item online.

    , the conference was to elect two bishops and for the first time in UMC history an openly gay man Pr. Frank Wulf was nominated for the episcopacy.
    After two days of balloting in which he consistently ran 6th among the 19 candidates for bishop, Pr. Wulf withdrew:
    I am withdrawing from this race for the episcopacy, but I’m doing so with the hope that a gay man or a lesbian will be able to be elected bishop of The United Methodist Church. … I know that day is coming.
    Pr. Wulf was nominated for the position from the floor.

    Forty Years of Humanae Vitae: July 25, 2008 was the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of Humanae Vitae, the encyclical of Paul VI that addresses issues of marriage and procreation. A distinguishing feature of Humanae Vitae is its sweeping condemnation of birth control:
    Similarly excluded is any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation—whether as an end or as a means.
    As the encyclical's anniversary approached, Catholics for Choice published an open letter (Lettera Aperta al Papa) to Pope Benedict XVI calling for an end to the church's ban on contraception:
    It is clear to us that the Catholic church cannot move forward until it honestly confronts the paradox of Humanae Vitae: Most Catholics use modern contraceptives, believe it is a moral choice to do so and consider themselves Catholics in good standing, yet the Catholic hierarchy completely denies this reality.
    Vatican spokesperson Fr. Federico Lombardi was dismissive:
    First and foremost, the authors are a part of a number of groups that are well known for their dissenting positions which are not limited to the mere teaching of marital morality but are also concerned with many other subjects (for instance the ordination of women) and that therefore for some time have been against the Magisterium of the Church.
    It’s clear it is not an article that expresses a theological or moral position, it is paid propaganda to promote the use of contraceptives. One should also wonder who paid for it and why.

    True Grist: We received from several people a link to the ELCA publicity materials to help promote discussions of the Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality (DSSHS) in synods, conferences, and congregations throughout the ELCA:
    the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality hopes that as many members as possible will take the opportunity to read and respond to the Draft.
    These responses and the reports from the many hearings being held in the church provide the grist for task force consideration as it rewrites the document and develops the Proposed Social Statement on Human Sexuality, to be released in early February of 2009.
    The task force is relying on individuals like you to get the word out. Thank you for your role in promoting discussion of the draft.

    Among the materials are bulletin inserts addressing the topics Justice for Women, Protection of Children, Creating Strong Families, Marriage, and Justice Issues.

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